What Happens to the Brain with Coercive Control?

Our brains are biological entities that can be altered by environmental conditions. When coercive control methods are used, the mind can respond in predictable ways. We can feel dissociated from our previous self (including the ways we typically think, behave, feel, and use language) and perhaps our loved ones while becoming increasingly focused on another way of seeing the world around us (based on experiences with the person, relationship, group, community, or organization using coercive techniques).

Our brains change in response to this control. Areas of our brains that are involved in making decisions can be overwhelmed and reduced in functioning, while our emotional brain areas may be overwhelmed, over-activated, or under-activated. This can lead to profound changes in the ways we make decisions.

I will be hosting a podcast series and creating more content on the neuroscience of coercive control soon. If you would like to be updated on the content, please add your email below.